Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Regular Dates of General Board Meetings:
First Saturdays of February, May, August and November
Time: @8:00am
Location: 1725 S. Central St. Centennial Park, AZ 86021
Public members are welcome to come and make comments or simply listen in. Notices of these meetings will be posted at the office and around the community. Meeting Minutes will be posted after they are approved by the board in the following meeting.
Occasionally Special Board meetings are held on dates other than the set dates of every three months. The District will post notices when these meetings will be held.
November 2nd, 2024 General Board Meeting: CPDWID
Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Board of Centennial Park Domestic Water Improvement District and the General Public that the Centennial Park Domestic Water Improvement District will hold a meeting open to the public on November 2nd, 2024 at 8:00 A.M., this meeting will be held at the District office on 1725 S. Central Street, Centennial Park, Arizona. As indicated in the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (1) (4), the Board of Directors may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to discuss certain matters. Some Board members may be joining electronically.
1. Call to Order.
2. Review /Approve minutes of the August 3rd Meeting.
3. Public Comments.
4. Review Financial Reports.
a. 90-Day Customer Account.
5. Review District Managers Report.
6. Discuss the Annual Financial report.
7. Discuss Overpaid Accounts
8. Discuss the Progress of the ARPA Project.
9. Discuss the Seasonal Well Proposal.
10. General Discussion on Development In Centennial Park and WIFA.
11. Discuss Rate hearing.
12. Reports from Board Members.
13. Action Items:
a. Approve Actions for ARPA Well and McGinley Contract.
b. Approve New Water Treatment Rate.
c. Approve a Policy for Overpaid Accounts.
d. Approve Seasonal Well Proposal.
e. Action on other Items properly brought before the board.
14. Executive Session if approved by the Board:
a. Personnel discussion (A.R.S. §431.03(A) (1))
b. Legal discussion (A.R.S. §431.03(A) (4))
15. Other items properly brought before the Board.
16. Adjournment.
August 3rd, 2024 General Board Meeting: CPMCWID
Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Board of Centennial Park Mohave County Wastewater Improvement District and the General Public that the Centennial Park Mohave County Wastewater Improvement District will hold a meeting open to the public on November 2nd, 2024 at 9:30 A.M. or immediately following the water district meeting, this meeting will be held at the District office located at 1725 S. Central Street, Centennial Park, Arizona. As indicated in the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (1) (4), the Board of Directors may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, to discuss certain matters.
1. Call to order.
2. Review /approve minutes of the August 3rd Meeting.
3. Public Comments.
4. Review Financial Reports.
5. Review District Managers Report.
6. Review Whispering Pines Application for Services.
7. Reports from Board Members.
8. Other items properly brought before the Board.
9. Action Items:
a. Action on Other items properly brought before the board. (If needed)
10. Executive Session if approved by the Board.
a. Personnel discussion (A.R.S. §431.03(A) (1))
b. Legal discussion (A.R.S. §431.03(A) (4))
11. Adjournment.
Past Meeting Minutes
Water Meeting Minutes
Wastewater Meeting Minutes
Please click on the month of the corresponding meeting minutes you would like to see.
For meeting minutes older than five years, please call the District.